The group then split into 2 tables with table 1 playing a new game Rococo a game about dress making for balls in the 18th century, the main mechanics of the game consist of collecting worker cards (deck building) which are then played to gain special actions. (Apologies but sadly my knowledge of this game ends here, I will edit this bit when I have learnt more from one of the players).
Beresford Quimby writes: I was on the Rococo table, so can give a bit more background. As Mr. Gamer points out above, each turn you get to select from a small deck of "employee" cards (which can be added to at a cost throughout the game), and the employees can do various things such as gathering dressmaking resources, recruiting other employees, taking money to the king to pay for decorations for the ballrooms (including the all-important terrace firework display)...and, of course, making dresses. There's a lots of interesting choices, and a variety of strategies can be adopted to collect victory points: making and hiring out your dresses to the nobles is a key activity, but where and when you place them within the ballrooms of the palace is important, and the choice of decorations you fund can make a big difference when combined with clever placement of dresses. I'm keen to give this one another go, as I think there's lots of fun to be had navigating different paths than the one I pursued on this occasion.