Gloomhaven and Cacao

Gloomhaven is not in this blogpost however lots of other games are. The C19 lockdown continues and so does the picture quiz, I have been posting pictures 3 times a week on our facebook page but am also doing a once a week post of all the pictures here together with the previous pictures results. My camera still gives me hassle so do not expect perfect colouration etc. So here are the three sets of pictures followed by three sets of answers for the previous blog post. I have just seen that the web-editor trims the pictures to what it wants to post so some of these are a lot more difficult that on the FB page for which I apologise - the next series will be a lot better (I am still learning). To help the first set are all cards, the second are all tiles and the third set are box covers.

The answers are in the order the pictures were posted

Space Explorers - a nice card game with a very necessary and handy crib card. Draftosaurus - a very nice 15 minute filler game with very cute dinosaurs. Patchwork - one of Uwe Rosenbergs puzzle games and although only for 2 players it is the one I prefer. As an aside he has a new one due out later this year called New York Zoo. All Creatures Great and Small - a 2 player mini Agricola style game. Martian Dice - although a few years old now I thought a few would get this quite simple push your luck dice game. Beasty Borders - quite a nice but simple game from Cwali a company who have used these miniature animals in quite a few of their games. Cwali are probably better known for Meltdown, Powerboats and Factory Fun. Elk Fest - a game of accurately flicking dobbers and judging if you can balance your Elk on them, although 2 player you can play 4 player with another set. Curli Culler - These are tulips in a field and you roll a thick circular dobber (the snail) towards them trying to knock over your colour tulips, first to 8 wins, yes it is aimed at the very young but I love it. Reef - these are the different coloured Corals growing on your reef. You are trying to match the growth (patterns seen in plan view) to points cards. Barony - this can be quite a brutal territory control game but despite the conflict aspect I actually quite like this game

Ticket to Ride - London. In my eyes you failed if you missed the London part. As most know I am not a fan of TTR franchise but this version has cracking artwork filling me with nostalgia. Less: Like Chess but Less! - This was a KS that I am really glad I backed, it is a lovely 2 player abstract with simple rules and plays in about 15 minutes. Mondriaan 2020 - Another 2 player abstract this time from Cwali (Corné van Moorsel) based on the works of the famous Dutch artist. Pyraos (aka Pylos) - Yes another 2 player abstract. I once was paid to spend a day playing this outside a hotel in Brighton. Pass the Pigs - But how many of you knew it was the "Big Pigs Edition" for the garden? Mmm! - A co-operative game of rolling dice and trying not to push your luck. Aimed at younger gamers it works nicely but not likely to hold the interest of anyone looking for some depth in what they play. ThunderRoad - an MB game from 1987 of the "roll the dice and move the dobber" variety - the dobbers are cars which are racing to the end of the board – the nice twist is that when a car runs off the edge of one of the 2 boards provided the rear board is moved to the front destroying all cars left behind. On top of this you can shoot your competitors (more die rolling) and ram them (yes yet more die rolling). Last car surviving wins. First Class - A railway card collecting game from one of the designers of Russian Railroads. Dust in the Wings - a light pattern recognition game with a mancala element. Genial (aka Ingenious aka Mensa) - The second Reiner Knizia game in this mix.

Transamerica - The SdJ logo was the give away, this is a very nice route laying gateway game (cliche time) for all the family.  Just One - Time to be embarrassed if you did not get this one, despite my initial scepticism that a word game would be worthy of the accolade "Spiel des Jahres" this game is more deserving than many of the others that have also won it. Cacao – a simple tile laying game that is just on the borders of a gateway game being marginally more thinky than Carcassonne. Roam - Not an easy one to guess, this recently released game from Ryan Laukat who does his own artwork shows his own particular style and I love all his games - Above and Below getting regular plays in our household. Roam is a nice area control game for most level of gamers. Purzel-Spinne - Haba games are great for kids their games are always colourful, often tactile and generally engaging for adults too. This one is a balancing game where you balance the pieces on the spider a large round dobber held in place in the box by 4 elastic bands, so not only do you have to balance the bits carefully you have to ensure that there is not too much weight in any particular spot to ping the spider dobber out from its web. Nations the Dice Game - What can I say, a nicely thematic dice roller that is very popular and one I will never veto from playing. Jet Set - Other than Railway Rivals this is my most favourite route laying game and the expansion Distant Lands fits snugly into the original game. I would say that we play it a lot 2 player however with 4 or more players there can be significant downtime moments and there is also a fair amount of maths involved but most of the better route-laying games have this. Seeland - More of an area manipulation rather than area control game as you are continually expanding the area being played in whilst trying to control the better areas you are creating. There is also a level of control/manipulation in what tiles you make available to your opponent. On the heavier side of Ravensburger games it is an excellent game and would sit nicely under the Alea banner. Battlelines - Nicely themed not really a wargame but a card manipulation game where you are trying to set up 3-card brag hands. It is an excellent 2 player game and should appeal to anyone who likes playing card games. Fearsome Floors (or in my case Finstere Flure) - A great multi-player game from 2F that is low level and a lot of fun, the advanced version allows for very sneaky play. In essence the players are trying to get a small team of dobbers across the board without being caught by a wandering monster.

March Draftosaurus and A Fistful of Meeples

March has been a strange month with a countrywide lock-down affecting us all. We had only two meetings this month with the 3rd meeting onwards cancelled along with our big Saturday event. Thus we have only played the following games :-

A Fistful of Meeples, Concordia, Coloretto, Love Letter, Draftosaurus, Inuit, Transamerica, A Fistful of Meeples, Draftosaurus, New York Slice, Paths of Light and Shadow, Biblios, Dreamwell, Cacao, Drop It, Ave Caesar, Jump, Medieval Academy

As followers of this blog will know I have had camera issues and after several months of trying various methods and altering the settings it has become apparent that when used indoors it will only work properly in macro mode so all future photos here will be close-ups. For additional practice I have knocked together several picture quizzes which I have posted on the MAB facebook page, the first 3 are replicated below and I will post answers for these next week when I will post another one and hope to do so weekly until C19 is behind us.

The quizzes are fairly simple, try to identify the game from the photo, the third set are box covers.

That is it for this post, have a little fun but do not get despondent with a low score, most have scored between 3 and 6 per set of 10, there is a right old mix here and it is just for fun. Answers next week, until then please stay safe.


Unfortunately, owing to the current Covid-19 crisis, in keeping with Government advice, all meetings of MAB are cancelled until further notice. As soon as the advice changes, and group gatherings are once more permitted we will reach out to the venue to determine if and when we can return.

So, stay safe, have fun gaming at home with your families, don’t hoard food and other essential supplies, and practice social distancing!

February - Carreau and Roam

Another month has passed and we have had some new members join us, a big welcome to you all.

A Hand in Reiner Knizia’s Res Publica

A Hand in Reiner Knizia’s Res Publica

In February we played 38 games a 30% increase on February last year, the most popular were Conspiracy: Abyss Universe and Draftosaurus, the remaining games all had 1 play each :- Azul: Summer Pavilion, BANG! The Dice Game, Bruges, Carreau, Chinatown, Fast Sloths, Fuji Flush, El Grande, Great Western Trail, Heul doch! Mau Mau, High Society, In the Year of the Dragon, Inis, Inuit: The Snow Folk, The Isle of Cats, Just One, Kerala: The Way of the Elephant              , Lanterns Dice: Lights in the Sky, Lords of Waterdeep, Lost Legacy: Second Chronicle – Vorpal Sword & Whitegold Spire, Medium, No Thanks!, Point Salad, Raccoon , Tycoon, Res Publica, Rheinländer, Roam, Saint Petersburg, Through the Desert, Ticket to Ride: Europe, Tiny Epic Galaxies, Tongiaki: Journey into the Unknown and Whitehall Mystery.

Final player layout in Capital

Final player layout in Capital

My personal favourites from this month have been The Isle of Cats and Roam. Roam is a game by Ryan Laukat who has delivered some excellent games such as Above and Below and 8 Minute Empire and as well as designing he does his own artwork which I quite like. Roam is a light territory grab game, the playing area is 6 cards each of which has 6 squares on it making the playing area a 6x6 grid, on a turn you action a card from in front of you which allows you to place dobbers on spaces on the board in the shape shown on your chosen card . The aim is to gain the majority of tokens on one (or more) of the 6 cards in the playing area. When a card is full (ie 6 dobbers) whoever has the majority gets the card which will allow an additional lay of tokens and victory points for game end scoring, the gap left by the taken card is filled and the next player has a turn. The mechanics are simple and provide an enjoyable game and as it is “first comes takes” for each square on the grid it is not as confrontational as other area control games.

Through the Desert mid-game

Through the Desert mid-game

The other game I am going to mention is Carreau from Cubiko games, it is not everybody's cup of tea but I think it is excellent and plays from 2-6 with equal levels of fun. You are armed with a small catapult which you use on your turn to propel a wooden block onto the board towards a rubber ball (the Jack) the idea is to have the closest block to the Jack at the end of the round which is 3 flicks of the catapult each. Scoring is the same as in Bowls, the winner is first to 5 points, as you can imagine the Jack being made of rubber moves a lot during the game giving rise to much frustration and mirth.

