Donkeys, Firemen and Tents
25th June 2014. Last night saw numbers slightly down on last week.
The red donkey advances
This was followed by some fierce fire fighting in a game of Flash Point, a co-operative game where each player takes on the role of a Fire Fighter each with their unique skills, we played with the Rescue Dog which unfortunately got itself trapped. We lost badly, the building rapidly collapsing around us with only one poor soul being rescued - the goal is to save 7.
The "CAFS Firefighter" leads the way into the burning building followed by the "Veteran Firefighter"
The last game of the evening was Livingstone. An interesting mix of mechanisms where 8 dice are rolled and you each take a die to use the pips to obtain cash, collect gems, buy power cards and place tents, all to gain victory points. The mechanisms in the game were quite interesting and despite the point in the game where odds of 30:1 appeared to be a certainty there were enough opportunities for the luck element of the game to balance out. One I will be adding to my "To buy" list.
The penultimate turn, Yellows extensive lead was reduced - but not by much
A good evening of games.