Evolution, Permagon and Five Tribes
Sorry, only a short succinct report this time. The first game on the table was Sushi Go! And I think I have found someone who is not so keen on this game. We managed to finish the game quite quickly as others started to arrive.
Splitting into two tables the first table played Evolution a 2014 release. It has three authors two of whom were authors of Evolution-Origin of Species which was released in 2010 which I liked as a game but was not 100% convinced was complete.
Player layout in Evolution
Evolution card
Evolution-Origin of Species was quite dry and although the mechanics worked I felt it needed something a little extra. I have no idea what has changed or indeed if it is the same game as I did not get to play this one but judging from the reports from others it was fun and enjoyed by the players and I am hoping to play it soon.
My table played Russian Railroads it was a 3 player game and I chose to go for Industry whilst another concentrated on the top rail, the third went for a spread approach dabbling in all the strategies but a lack of an overall specific goal meant that he fell behind badly in the end-game.
Early part of the game in Russian Railroads
I was surprised by the score that a good Moscow-Vladivostok line can get you, especially after upgrades, I think it was 142 points for that line alone in the last round whereas my Industry only got me 50 points and I scored about 120 points in the last round for everything.
We moved on to Pergamon, this is a lovely game, my only reproach would be cosmetic in that I do not like the “Ticket Stubs” as points markers, they are an awkward shape, the numbers on them are too small, they are all the same colour again making value differentiation awkward and there is never quite enough at the end of the game usually meaning players must throw in a set amount before final scoring starts. This is just a publishing issue, the game design itself is excellent.
Table one then played Five Tribes, yet another game I have yet to play, but as it is usually BQ and myself explaining games rules we usually end up on different tables.
Our final game was a 2 player Cacao which was very close, however a misinterpretation on a rule meant we were playing to 2 different agendas, oddly enough this rule was the same that was misunderstood last time I explained the game.
End situation in our 2 player Cacao game
So is it me or is there similarities to another game the players are bringing to this game? Yes – I know its me.