Space Explorers, JamSumo
A whole month has passed since my last post, well the lovely warm weather we has been the cause and I can say I am now the proud father to a couple of thousand seedlings who need constant attention. Repotting is a monumental task but worth it when they all come into bloom. Anyway this is a gaming site and so on to the games, another picture quiz first followed by a quick cover of interesting games and finally the results to this picture quiz. By the way if you have any questions on any games listed here feel free to contact us - easiest is facebook which gets viewed daily. Search for Medway Area Boardgamers.
A mini review though of a few games we have enjoyed during the lockdown. Jamsumo has to be the most energetic of them a simple dice flicking game with an interestingly designed board which makes this a competitive, beautiful and well thought out game, worth checking out. I have eventually played Forum Trajanum and I can say it screws with my head, a typical Stefan Feld game that pulls you in so many ways all at the same time with a plethora ways of scoring points but calculating which will be best will leave you with a headache. On the light side both Nova Luna and Mandala have been recent popular additions to the collection whilst top of the leader board for most played game at home this year is Space Explorers. The box will not excite you, but this card game has plenty going on to keep you thinking throughout its 30 minute playing time.
The answers to the pictures above :-
LLAMA, Schotten Totten, Tigris & Euphrates, Leelawadee, Blue Lagoon, Medici, Lost Cities, Axio Rota, Forbidden City, Times Square.
Tiny Towns, Welcome to - Easter Egg, NMBR9, Le Havre - Inland Port, Pigasus, Circle the Wagons, Animal Olympics, Boing, Zoosim, Settlers the Card Game.
Love Letter, Cubirds, Incan Gold, Oh My Goods, Town Builder, Mississippi, Das Letzte Kamel, Get Bit, Mull & Money, Rabbit Kingdom.